Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Honey Taffy

We made honey taffy today as an experiment. It turned out quite delicious and not as hard as I thought it would be. This is an extremely simple recipe with ingredients all of us have in our food storage. It was a also really fun to do with the kids. They had just as much fun making it as they did eating it!

Honey Taffy


3 cups honey

1 12 oz can evaporated milk (You can substitute heavy cream for evaporated milk if you wish)

Pour honey and evaporated milk into sturdy pan on med/high heat until boiling. Turn heat down to low/med and cook until medium crack stage. This took about 25 minutes on my stove. Don’t stir once it boils for best results. While taffy is cooking, prepare 2 sheet pans by spreading butter on them and placing them in the refrigerator until taffy is ready. When taffy reaches medium crack (test with cold water) pour mixture into one of the prepared pans and let cool just until you can handle it without burns. Take of as much candy as you can handle with 1-2 people and pull until the color changes to a very light brown/tan. We like it at light as it will go. You can try a few pieces at different stages of pulling and see what you like. Once taffy is pulled, form it into ropes and cut off into bite size pieces. I like to store these pieces on my other sheet pan until all the candy has been pulled. For best storage, wrap each piece in wax paper and enjoy.

This is a fun family activity and doesn’t take as long as it might seem, especially if you have a few kids around to help you pull it. It is also a great way to use those big buckets of honey many of us have in our food storage. Plus, it gives the kids the familiarity of having candy.

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